Roses N Orchids Charm Bouquet

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


This flower bouquet contains:
• 12 Pink Roses
• 6 Purple Orchids
• Wrapped with White N Purple Paper

Embrace sophistication with our Roses N Orchids Charm Bouquet! This captivating arrangement boasts 12 elegant pink roses that symbolize admiration, alongside 6 luxurious purple orchids that add vibrancy and charm to the mix. Lovingly wrapped in a chic combination of white and purple premium paper, this bouquet is sure to turn heads. Ideal for expressing deep sentiments for anniversaries, birthdays, or even “just because,” it’s a lovely surprise that can sweeten anyones day. Each flower is hand-selected for its freshness and beauty, creating a unique gift that conveys heartfelt emotions. Say it with flowers—this bouquet does all the talking for you!

Price - Rs. 1481

Earliest Delivery : 27-MarRemote locations may take one day more.

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