Kaleidoscope of Carnations

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


This is a gift of:
• 30 Mixed Carnations Arrangement

Celebrate life’s special moments with the Blooming Celebration Bouquet, featuring a dazzling arrangement of 30 mixed carnations. These vibrant blooms, in an array of radiant hues, bring together the perfect blend of beauty and grace. Symbolizing love, admiration, and distinction, carnations are timeless flowers that convey heartfelt emotions. Whether as a gesture of appreciation or a cheerful surprise, this bouquet is thoughtfully designed to brighten someone’s day and add a touch of charm to any setting. A versatile gift that speaks volumes, it’s a colorful celebration in bloom

Price - Rs. 1915

Earliest Delivery : 23-FebRemote locations may take one day more.

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