Blushing Rose, Asparagus Treat with Cadbury

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


This gift combo has:
•6 Baby Pink Roses with Green Asparagus Fillers
•Wrapped with Pink Tissue
•1 Pc Cadbury Silk

Indulge in the charming beauty of roses and the rich taste of chocolate with our Blushing Rose, Asparagus Treat with Cadbury. This exquisite gift package features six baby pink roses, elegantly entwined with fresh green asparagus fillers. The bouquet is wrapped in lovely pink tissue, making it an ideal gift presentation. The roses symbolize grace and admiration while offering a serene fragrance that captivates the senses. Included in this delightful combo is a piece of Cadbury Silk, known for its smooth and creamy texture that melts in your mouth. Whether it’s a romantic gesture or a gesture of friendship, this duo delivers a touch of elegance and sweetness that leaves a lasting impression. Perfect for any occasion, this gift is a celebration of beauty and taste.

Price - Rs. 811

Earliest Delivery : 27-MarRemote locations may take one day more.

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