Mixed Flowers Bouquet in a Glass Vase

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


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Gift online this Sweet Graceful Bunch of Mixed Flowers in a Glass Vase and surprise your relatives and friends. This colourful, modern mix of Flowers is a great way to greet which includes 5 Carnations, 7 Red and Pink Roses with Filler Flowers tied with Ribbon and displayed in a Glass Vase.

Rs. 799

18 Seasonal Flowers consists of 9 Red and Pink Roses, 9 Carnations and some Filler Flowers tied with a Ribbon and arranged in a Glass Vase.

Rs. 1029

24 Seasonal Flowers consists of 12 Red and Pink Roses, 12 Carnations and some Filler Flowers tied with a Ribbon and arranged in a Glass Vase.

Rs. 1239

Earliest Delivery : 29-MarRemote locations may take one day more.

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