Elegantly Wrapped 150 Red Roses

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


The bouquet is made of:
• 150 Red Roses
• Wrapped in White Non Woven Paper
• Tied with Red Ribbon

Celebrate the essence of love with our Elegantly Wrapped 150 Red Roses set, a gift of nature that looks as divine as it smells. Wrapped elegantly in non-woven paper, the spotless white acts as a canvas highlighting the vibrant colors of these red roses. Tied with a classic red ribbon, it adds a touch of romance and sophistication. This luxurious bouquet becomes a statement of love, admiration, or remembrance. Every petal radiates a sense of purity and elegance, making it ideal for anniversaries, proposals, or heartfelt apologies. Not just a bouquet, but a symbol of your unspoken words. Let this perfectly crafted arrangement convey messages that words often fall short of. Offer it to someone special or use it to adorn your space, allowing its beauty to enhance your moments.

Price - Rs. 7999

Earliest Delivery : TodayRemote locations may take one day more.

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