Charming Pink Rose Bouquet

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


The bouquet is made of:
• 50 Pink Roses with Green Fillers
• Wrapped in Pink Paper
• Tied with Pink Raffia

Imagine the joy of unwrapping a stunning bouquet featuring 50 charming pink roses, each paired with lush green fillers that enhance their beauty. Wrapped in an elegant pink paper, this bouquet is a true representation of thoughtful artistry and floral passion. The decorative pink raffia ties the arrangement together, ensuring a presentation that grabs attention. Every rose in this delightful arrangement is hand-selected for its gorgeous pink hue and full bloom, making them stand out in any setting. The greens create a perfect backdrop, providing a vibrant contrast that highlights the roses’ natural allure. Ideal for occasions that call for warmth and elegance, from anniversaries to spontaneous gestures of love. Wrapped in vibrant pink, the bouquet is not only an eye-catcher but also a mood lifter. The pink raffia adds a rustic, yet chic finish, enhancing the overall warmth of this floral gift. When one cannot quite put feelings into words, this bouquet does it beautifully, turning feelings into a visual feast that resonates with anyone receiving it. It’s not just a bouquet; its an artistically crafted statement of love and appreciation.

Price - Rs. 2761

Earliest Delivery : TodayRemote locations may take one day more.

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