Lilies N Green Bliss

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


This flower bouquet contains:
• 7 Pink Asiatic Lilies with Green Color Morpankhi Fillers
• Wrapped in Pink Color Non Woven Tissue Paper

Brighten any space with this gorgeous Lilies N Green Bliss bouquet, showcasing 7 captivating Pink Asiatic Lilies nestled among vibrant Green Morpankhi fillers. Each lily, a stunning testament to beauty and grace, inspires feelings of love and admiration. Carefully wrapped in soft pink tissue paper, this bouquet is both charming and sophisticated. Perfect for gifting or as a treat for yourself, it brings a smile wherever it goes. Celebrate special moments or simply add a touch of nature to your home with this delightful arrangement. It’s not just flowers; its a heartfelt message of joy and affection.

Price - Rs. 1641

Earliest Delivery : TodayRemote locations may take one day more.

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