Radiant Red Roses n Kwality Walls Oreo Ice Cream with Ferrero Moments n Teddy

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


This gift combo has:
• 12 Red Roses Bouquet
• Kwality Walls Oreo N Cream Ice Cream Tub (700ml)
• 16pcs Ferrero Rocher Moments Chocolate Box

Send online to your favourite people Radiant Red Roses n Kwality Walls Oreo Ice Cream with Ferrero Moments n Teddy and make their day more bright and happy. This gift combo include 12 Red Roses Bouquet in tissue wrapping with Kwality Walls Oreo N Cream Ice Cream Tub (700ml), 16pcs Ferrero Rocher Moments Chocolate Box and 6in Love Teddy.

Price - Rs. 2159

Earliest Delivery : 29-MarRemote locations may take one day more.

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