Classy Arrangement of Mixed Roses N Personalized Photos with Pineapple Cake

This arrangement is made of:
• 18 Red N White Roses
• 4 Personalized Photos
• A Basket
• A Pineapple Flavor Cake (1Lb)

Render happy moments to your loved ones with this Classy Arrangement of 18 Red N White Roses with 4 Personalized Photos teamed with a Pineapple Flavor Cake (500g) and frame it forever in your memory and heart.

Details needed:
Send digital photos with your Alpha-numeric order id at: [email protected] or Whatsapp at +91 9230721098.

Price - Rs. 1719

Earliest Delivery : 30-MarRemote locations may take one day more.

Make It Extra Special With Below Listed Add-On