Amazing Gift Hamper of Cadbury Chocolates with Red Roses Bouquet

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


Delight your loved ones with this Amazing Gift Hamper of Cadbury Chocolates with Red Roses Bouquet and make them realize how special they mean to you.
This Gift Basket has the following items -
1) Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk (60 gms)
2) Cadbury Temptation Rum n Raisins (72 gms)
3) Cadbury Dairy Milk Roast Almonds (55 gms)
4) Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruits N Nuts (36 gms)
5) Cadbury Bournville (31 gms)
6) Cadbury Five Star 3D
7) 2 pcs Cadbury Perk (14 gms)
8) Bouquet of 10 Red Roses
9) Basket.

Price - Rs. 1539

Earliest Delivery : TodayRemote locations may take one day more.

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